Friday, April 20, 2012

Advertising Techniques Journal #2 - Obama

Give a brief description of the ad:

-It’s Obama’s hope campaign poster.

What propaganda techniques are used? Point out where/how each technique is used.

-Glittering generalities. The word hope stands out trying to represent how Obama is the right fit for president.

What effect do the techniques have? In your opinion, do they do their job?

-It gives the feeling of comfort in voting for this potential leader.

Who is the audience for this ad, and how do you know?

-Anyone interested in politics, anyone who may be a liberal.

What is omitted from this ad? What is the effect of the omission?

-There is no information as to why hope should be placed with Obama. The effect is that people are going to want to know more.

Would different audiences have different reactions? Explain!

-Yes, conservatives would be less interested in these advertisements.

What message, lifestyles and values are encouraged and/or portrayed through the ad? Make connections to what is in the ad.

-The message is that Obama is a trustworthy potential leader and people should feel safe with him as a leader.

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