Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Advertising Techniques Journal - Spoof

Give a brief description of the ad:

-This is a description as to how nike charges a large price for their product, when the people making the product are paid next to nothing.

What propaganda techniques are used? Point out where/how each technique is used.

-Satire, Reality.  The fact that nike is a large company that operates by selling high end material for a high price, while they are greedy enough not to pay the employees that they are unwilling to pay them decent salaries.

What effect do the techniques have? In your opinion, do they do their job?

-The techniques give the feeling that people don’t really know or want to know what is happening before they can buy the product, and that all people really care about is the finished product.  In my opinion, this ad does a good job because it shows how Nike is unwilling to be fair with their employees.

Who is the audience for this ad, and how do you know?

-The audience for this ad are Nike consumers, because they should know what is going on behind the scenes, and not just the finished product.

What is omitted from this ad? What is the effect of the omission?

-Specifics are missing from this ad, such as you don’t know if the 83 cents is an hourly pay or etc.

Would different audiences have different reactions? Explain!

-People of ethnicities that are employees of Nike, and create the products would see this as something important that needs to be put out in public, a story that needs to be told.

What message, lifestyles and values are encouraged and/or portrayed through the ad? Make connections to what is in the ad.

-The message to this ad is that companies overcharge and as long as the company is bringing in more money, and has more assets than liabilities, then that company is operating well.

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